Acoustics in Learning Spaces

Poor acoustics inside classrooms not only negatively impacts the ability of students to learn but also impacts the ability of the teacher to teach. Speaking and listening in learning environments is critical and the way classrooms perform acoustically has a significant influence on learning outcomes.

Over the years many studies have been conducted on the amount of time students spend listening. Whilst these studies almost always differ in their reported findings, one thing is common throughout – that the greatest percentage of a student’s time in class is spent listening.

In children, cognitive functions are less developed and thus they are more prone to disruption than adults – noise impairs children more than it does adults, especially in tasks that involve speech perception and listening comprehension.

It is therefore essential that learning and education environments are configured with acoustic solutions that provides students with optimum conditions to learn efficiently.

First published in 2003 by the UK Government, “Building Bulletin 93 (BB93)” explains minimum performance standards for the acoustics of school buildings.

There is a misconception that this process is costly. There are many acoustic products on the market today that are readily available, quick to install and that won’t break the bank!

Creatif has been established to help schools, colleges, universities, nurseries and other educational institutions, providing them with a large range of acoustic solutions that can meet every noise challenge. Our mission is to make it easy for these establishments to access and purchase products that improve acoustics therefore enhancing the learning and teaching experience. Some examples…

Acoustic Baffles

Vertically suspended absorbent baffles are a highly efficient method of reducing excessive noise volume. The apertures between the baffles contain sound waves, and the surface area of material absorbs such. This results in less sound travelling back into the spaces where it shouldn’t be – the end result is a less reverberant environment.

Acoustic Rafts

Hung horizontally, rafts are a cost-effective way of providing sound absorption. Plenty of surface area ensures that, when applied as close to the source of sound as possible, they will absorb and soak it up the noise.

Rafts are available in shapes, sizes and can be suspended at angles or entirely flat – all depends on the look and feel that needs to be achieved.

Acoustic Wall Panels

Sound is directional – this means it travels in a straight line. It will change direction when it hits a surface, bouncing off it according to the reflective properties of the surface in question. This means that walls are an important aspect to consider when addressing the issue of noise and echo in a space.

Applying acoustic panels to walls will ensure that any sound that reaches the walls is soaked up, therefore not returning back into the space. This results in less echo and a more acoustically comfortable space.

Mobile Acoustic Screens

These provide the ultimate flexibility, as well as acoustic absorption too. The user can locate them according to where the need is at any given time.

Mobile acoustic screens can be used to configure spaces, create areas and at the same time absorb sound and stopping it from transferring.

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