Apleona Workspace, London

Shaping acoustic workspace with ReSound acoustic ceiling rafts and Mellow acoustic polyester panels.

Apleona Workspace’s website states the company creates amazing spaces where people want to work. It’s a statement that we know to be true as, over the years, we’ve worked on some on some marquee projects with them.

Recently, the company made the decision to open up a new office in Canary Wharf. The move gave them the chance to create their own amazing workspace, and we were asked to help them do just that.

A key feature of their new space is a communal library and ideas hub. This inspiration station, home to sample cards, project references and plenty of team meetings, needed to be effectively zoned to ensure noise transfer would be kept to a minimum.

We managed that process on Apleona’s behalf and installed the screens to partially close off the ideas hub from the open plan office, while still allowing ease of access.

The same screens were also used to separate the kitchen from the main part of the office. And, we also installed three circular ReSound ceiling rafts to create an acoustic feature inside a glass-lined meeting room.

Aware of this, Apleona designed in a series of fixed acoustic screens to provide privacy and absorb sound.

We took Apleona’s plans and made them a reality, thanks to the versatility of our Class C-rated acoustic material, Mellow.

Mellow is much more than a standard acoustic material. Made from 60% recycled PET, it can be used as a base material for creative solutions where design, acoustics and aesthetics converge. Apleona took full advantage of this and drew up a pattern to be cut into the screens, to effectively turn a solid grey block into an attractive design feature.

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