Creatif Talks; "A Festive *Moss Making Workshop" with Richard Russell

After the success of our last Creatif Talk, we invited Richard Russell back down to our London showroom to host one of Innerspace’s popular moss making events. But with Christmas around the corner, we decided to put a little festive twist on this hands-on workshop.

Richard began the evening by delivering a quick presentation, touching upon the benefits of biophilia in the workplace and going through some of the natural materials that attendees would be getting their hands on.

He also discussed, at length, about how to go about incorporating the likes of moss and charred timber into workplace design, referencing Float, Cube and Constructif as viable real-world examples.

Then, after delivering the all-important health and safety announcements (don’t eat the glue!), guests packed their trays high with moss, headed to their work stations and started creating their own Christmas tree made from a variety of sustainable materials.

During the evening, Richard was on hand to offer practical advice – “more is more when it comes to moss” – and lend a helping hand.

He also discussed the provenience of the materials on show and was quick to spark ideas amongst the mass of moss makers.

The morning after, one corner of 79 Clerkenwell Road was covered in moss, thistles, eucalyptus, straw, daisies and countless other preserved plants. It looked as if somebody had tipped over a fountain of foliage and emptied it onto the floor.

In comparison, everywhere else looked remarkably tidy. No prizes for guessing where Creatif was stationed…

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