Creatif Talks; Materials for Design

Richard Russell is one of the most familiar faces in the interiors sector. After making his name in the world of fabrics and textiles, he went on to found Innerspace Cheshire in 2006 and has spearheaded and championed the use of natural materials in office design.

Innerspace is one of the biggest suppliers in the UK of natural materials and it seems that every major refurbishment has the Cheshire-based company’s green fingers all over it.

After working with Richard on a series of projects and developing our moving moss panels with him, we invited him to come down to 79 Clerkenwell Road to host a Creatif Talk on the importance of sustainability of design schemes, and the various applications of moss, timber and bark in the workspace.

Entitled “Boo to Big Business – Materials for Design”, Richard talked about Innerspace’s history and its commitment to ethical sourcing and manufacturing processes.

During the presentation, Richard brought new products to showcase, sparking off creative discussions about how these could be implemented in upcoming projects.

He also talked, in length, about the positive environmental impact that biophilia brings to a workspace – from the emotional and psychological benefits, through to the economical and environmental.

After concluding his talk – delivered to a wide range of workspace professionals – Richard took part in a Q&A session, fielding a variety of questions on topics ranging from global warming to the science behind charring!

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