Reverberation Time and Acoustic Comfort

Reverberation Time (RT) is the time required for the average sound pressure in a room to decrease 60 decibels after a source stops generating sound. This approximates to the time taken for a signal to decay to a level imperceptible to the human ear.

Excessive reverberation will manifest itself as an echo, poor audibility or raised sound pressure. At an extreme level, it will result in acoustic chaos – the ‘noisy restaurant’ or ‘Lombard Effect.’ Fortunately, RT is one of the best and most predictable measurements we have of acoustic quality and it is relatively simple to specify commercial interiors to achieve correct RT levels.

Video / Teleconferencing Room

0.5 Max RT (secs)

Excessive reverb destroys effective VC communication. Maximum sound absorbent materials needed.

Den or  Study Space

0.5 Max RT (secs)

Wrap the space in sound absorbent materials to create a tranquil effect; incorporate bespoke upholstery.

Meeting Room:

0.75 Max RT (secs)

Excessive reverb destroys effective VC communication. Maximum sound absorbent materials needed.


0.75 Max RT (secs)

The challenge here is to balance audibility and privacy. Totally site specific. Call Creatif for help.

Breakout Space

1.0 Max RT (secs)

An ambient ‘buzz’ is desirable but where open soffits and hard surfaces are specified acoustic treatment will be essential.


1.0 Max RT (secs)

Not normally an acoustically sensitive area but consider effect of echo on telephone calls.


1.25 Max RT (secs)

An acoustically dysfunctional design will create difficulties for speakers and listeners. Totally site specific. Call Creatif for help

GYM & Activity Space

2.0 Max RT (secs)

Users of these spaces have a high tolerance to raised noise levels. Treatment not always necessary.