When To Use Sound Masking

One question we are often asked is “when should we consider Sound Masking”?

The answer is quite simple.

If your problem is reverberation (echo), then Humm sound masking is not the solution.

If your problem is speech privacy or the transfer of sound from one area to another, then Humm sound masking is the answer.

Speech Privacy

Consider this scenario, a boardroom where high level and confidential meetings take place; just outside the boardroom is a corridor used by staff. Users of the boardroom can hear staff walking past and are concerned that their conversation privacy is compromised. Conversely, staff using the corridor are always aware when the boardroom is in use – they can hear the conversation inside the boardroom.

What to do?

Humm sound masking should be located over the receiver (the listener) and not the transmitter (the source).

By placing Humm sound masking speakers in the corridor it will mask and cover the sounds transmitted from the boardroom, providing privacy.

Humm sound masking speakers placed in the boardroom will mask and cover the sounds transmitted in the corridor, eliminating the corridor as a distraction and increasing the wellbeing of the boardroom users in the knowledge that their conversation remains private.

Combining the two is a near perfect solution.

Sound Transfer

This situation is usually, but not always, found in open plan areas.

Noise from a lively boisterous team is distracting to quieter workers; a colleague with a deep resonant voice and no sense of consideration can be heard over everything else.

It is distracting and breaks concentration.

Humm sound masking resolves this issue.

Installing Humm sound masking raises the background ambient sound to a level which covers the distracting noise.

Speech privacy is enhanced, the space becomes more comfortable. Distraction is reduced improving concentration, wellbeing and productivity.