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In the meantime, take a look at some of our most recent projects below:

Working with TP Bennett, we created a unique design of Float Agile Sliding panels to create reconfigurable and flexible workspaces for a special project in Portugal.

Acoustic comfort provided within several meeting rooms using ReSound acoustic panels and Mellow polyester-based solutions.

ReSound acoustic ceiling rafts integrated beautifully with planters and various lighting types.

Aesthetically pleasing sound absorbency delivered thanks to ReSound acoustic walls panels and printed Mellow ceiling rafts.

A Solo acoustic moving wall system and ReSound acoustic baffle installation with a panoramic view of the city.

Space flexibility delivered in the form of a Float agile moving panel system, with a range of surface finishes.

A pair of Perspective folding glass wall systems and a four-panel Solo system combined to offer multiple space layouts.

Providing reconfigurable space within an open plan room using Float agile sliding panels.

Reconfigurable space delivered in the form of two Solo moving wall systems, plus an arrangement of Mellow acoustic ceiling rafts.