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How to Operate a Solo Moving Wall

    Creatif’s Solo moving wall system is easy to operate by a single user, and this article walks you through exactly how to do it in 90 seconds – so grab your operating handle and let’s get started!

    “Acoustic Timber Slats” are Fake News

      We often get asked about acoustic ceiling slat systems made from timber, and our response is always the same – they simply do not work. A bold claim? Not really – it’s about scientific fact…

      Creating Choice in the Workspace with ReConfigurable Wall Systems

        Integrating agile sliding walls and panel systems into a workspace design enables infinitely ReConfigurable space that supports choice, flexibility and agility for now and beyond. Fixed walls are a constraint in today’s modern workspace environments. Purist open-plan doesn’t work.

        MTVH, Nottingham

          Reconfigurable space in the open plan with Solo acoustic moving walls.

          UK Manufactured Moving Walls from Creatif

            Since 2011 Creatif have been manufacturing moving wall systems here in the UK. During this time we have invested in product development and evolution, growing our manufacturing capabilities to support this.

            Weightmans, Leeds

              Mellow acoustic ceiling baffles printed to match an interior featuring a variety of wooden textures.