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Private: News

How Tempo Works

    What makes Tempo the most effective sound absorbing slat system on the market? Well, it works by trapping sound within the cavity in-between the separate panels, helping to reduce reverberation.

    Sound Absorption – Values & Classes

      Sound absorption properties are measured by the sound absorption coefficient, α, (alpha), as a function of the frequency. Alpha (α) ranges from 0 to 1.00 (from total reflection to total absorption).

      Reverberation Time and Acoustic Comfort

        Reverberation Time (RT) is the time required for the average sound pressure in a room to decrease 60 decibels after a source stops generating sound. This approximates to the time taken for a signal to decay to a level imperceptible to the human ear.

        Noise – Dealing With it at Source

          One of the biggest challenges in workspaces of today is controlling noise transfer across and between spaces. It would seem obvious that open-plan space is a perfect place for noise to travel and, whilst this is true, meeting rooms are also an acoustic challenge.

          Acoustic Standards – The Basics

            There are many regulations and standards covering acoustics in non-residential buildings. In this Knowledge Base article, we briefly introduce the most commonly referred to documents.

            Sound Insulation – The Basics

              Sound insulation is concerned with slowing or stopping sound waves by physically blocking their travel from one room to another. Success in achieving effective sound insulation – or attenuation – in the workspace is reliant on the usage of the space, the building structure, the type of ceilings and partitions, and attention to detail. We focus here on office space.